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The wealth-energetics membership.

Your dream life is just around the corner.


It's time to learn how to unlock your desires and successfully manifest with ease.

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What is the
Modern Abundance Academy?

The Modern Abundance Academy is a course & community combo that teaches you how to manifest anything you desire with the process of wealth energetics.

This is perfect for you if you've been wanting to quantum leap your income, your impact, call in more abundance, and tap into your intuition.

The truth is, for us to see our reality shift and get the results that we want, we have to learn how to become a vibrational match to our manifestations.

Every desire you've ever had up until this point has gone into a personal energy vortex for you- just waiting for you to be a match so it can drop into your reality and have it become available to you.

Most people get stuck on the "HOW" for becoming a vibrational match, hence the no results and staying stuck in the same time loops.

Lucky for you, The Universe has hand-delievered this program to you.

We teach you the EXACT steps to take to use wealth energetics to get ANYTHING you want in life- and it WORKS.


The Modern Abundance Academy (MAA) has been a godsend! I’ve always wanted to harness the power of manifestation, and with the teachings of the MAA, I can finally do that. Being part of this academy means so much and it has truly been life-changing for me. Learning the wealth energetics process is direct and honest but also impactful, and I feel my mindset has shifted to attract positive changes and experiences into my life. The program helps manifest abundance in so many ways with ease and I thank God for Micki Morris and the transformative power she has brought into my life!

Jacinta N.

The Modern Abundance Academy has helped me navigate my self-limiting beliefs. Which has made me be stuck on my business and overall work performance. But since getting to know Micki and her tremendously empowering and spiritual coaching sessions though her academy. I'm now able to see wealth with a different perspective. Now I know I attract what I fear or concentrate my mind into. And if I've been able to do this since forever. Then, it means I'm able to change the narrative and focus on what matters, what sets me up for success, and attracts me more money and success into my life. It's like a fresh therapy session with a dear friend. Please, if you are a business owner, a human! Don't miss out on the opportunity to join the Modern Abundance Academy and truly, attract abundance into your life. This is brilliant.

Isabella C.

I LOVE the Modern Abundance
Academy!!! Totally jam-packed with usable content...not just fluff-n-filler! ❤️ I want you to know how important your Academy is in the picture of my own evolving process. I’ve been consciously on the awakening path since 2012, or so. The level of deep healing, increase of synchronicities presenting, and clarity with my intuitive giftings is unsurpassed since I joined. Thank you for your incredible wisdom and spot-on mentoring. I love you to pieces. 


Thank you for being you. I did not expect to walk into a brand new reality when I opted for this course/academy. Something just told me to do it. I was put off by the US dollars, as my country’s Rands are weaker. Yet, I was prompted for a second time by one of your videos to follow through. And I am so grateful that I allowed myself to follow through. I cannot describe how valuable your gifts have been to me and I cannot yet see how it continues to be valuable. But I know that this is going to bring me to my authentic self. Thank you for being part of my journey and doing it so loving. I love you and all that you are ❤️


The MAA has been transformative. There are so many ways to release money blocks that I had never even heard of before that have worked. I had a significant breakthrough just a day after starting the course, and the journal prompts have been incredibly insightful. They’ve helped me uncover deeper issues, leading to some much-needed healing. I’m even taking some time off to process and reflect on what has come up. I'm still practicing ways to manifest but so far it's been a game-changer for me.

Samira H.

I just enrolled in the MAA and have only listened to the first video “does manifestation work for everyone” and already I feel soo many shifts! I felt myself nodding throughout  the whole video!


I felt divinely guided to your reel after listening to a podcast about divine compensation and for the first time feeling fully ready to change my limiting beliefs around money (I’ve been “trying” for a while)


I’ve been asking for guidance and tangible steps from my guides and out of no where your reel appeared, even with the confirmation of butterflies which is one of my signs ✨🦋


I’m so excited to make the change and just wanted to say thank you for all the work you do!

Catherine B.

When you join,
you'll get access to:

  • A private community where you can connect with Micki and other high-vibrational entrepreneurs and humans on the same journey as you to expansion, abundance, and becoming your most healed self.

  • A step-by-step process inside the classroom on how to leverage wealth energetics, the laws of the universe, shadow work, and manifestation practices to create your dream life.

  • Access to all my mini offerings, healings, and masterclasses for FREE inside the academy!

  • New content uploaded monthly so you'll have access to all updates, new tools, resources, giveaways, rituals, and more.

Meet the Founder,
Micki Morris:

Hi there! It's an honor to share this offering with you, introduce myself, and invite you in. My name is Micki, and I created the Modern Abundance Academy in December 2023 to bring my unique process of wealth energetics into the world.

Last year during a journaling session, I had a light bulb moment: I had successfully manifested EVERYTHING I had ever asked the Universe for. I hadn't kept track until that moment, but when I sat with that realization, it blew me away. 

I had manifested the home I wanted in my dream neighborhood, 100+ brand collaborations, my dream salary, my five beautiful kids, the marriage of my dreams, my dream career of working remotely in marketing so I could homeschool my kiddos, living in our dream state in the PNW, and so much more.


There was a pattern I noticed in how I was able to manifest each of these things, and I decided to create a streamlined process that teaches others how to align with their dream life.


The Modern Abundance Academy is that process. It teaches you how to hack the Matrix and get anything you desire. 

If you're ready to align with your Highest Timeline where you finally get to break free of the karmic cycles, time loops, and manifest your dream life... this is the program for you.

I cannot wait to meet you, welcome you in, and watch your life completely transform!

- Micki

What can you manifest with wealth energetics?

The process we teach you inside of the Modern Abundance Academy can be used to manifest ANYTHING you desire, especially financially or in your business.

Examples of what our students have manifested with our academy:

  • Multiple students finding full-time jobs and new side gigs, after years of searching and applying unsuccessfully

  • $7,000 tax return payout OVERNIGHT, completely unexpected

  • A romantic encounter only one day after an energetic activation & joining the academy, after 12 months of no luck

  • Mental and spiritual breakthroughs only ONE DAY into the academy material

Here are some of the things our Founder, Micki Morris, manifested with this process shared inside the academy just within the last 12 months:

  • A surprise credit card limit increase

  • 5-figures in funds that were owed, but were being withheld

  • Multiple 5-figures in sales per month

  • 115,000+ new followers on her business social media accounts within 2 months

  • Multiple viral videos reaching over 2 million accounts

  • The exact salary she needed to lead her to her home in her dream neighborhood

  • An office space that came from her vision board

  • Thousands from private clients

  • 5-figures from brand collaborations

  • Thousands in discounts on bills and desired items

How would your life change if you could create magic like this in your reality??

Hugging by the Beach

"I've tried manifesting before, and it just didn't work for me."

Can I take a guess on what your current journey has looked like up until this point?

Let me know if any of this sounds familiar:

You feel stuck in your current life, and you so badly want to experience the ease and flow that you've seen others have.

You've tried using affirmations and a few other manifestation techniques, but they just fall flat.

You're confused as to why NOTHING seems to work out for you, even though you've worked tremendously hard.

In fact, you've worked SO hard that you've burnt yourself out without seeing many results.

Because you're burnt out, you've been in an energy of giving up- which hasn't helped the situation, but you're too tired to try and create a game plan to get out of the funk.

You follow a few manifestation coaches on social media, and interact with their posts every now and again.. but honestly, you actually feel resentment and jealousy deep down that they seem to have "cracked the code," while you're barely getting by.

You've been asking God/The Universe for a sign- a life boat.

And then you found THIS, and you wonder:

Could this really be the solution? 

Could my dream life really be available to me?
Can things actually change as drastically as I need them to?

Friend, you landed here for a reason.

Read on.

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